September 25, 2010

Walking in Step During the Mission

I had several opportunities to shoot my bow this week, and am very thankful for that, as I got a slow start practicing this year, and the archery season is almost upon us. I can say that am actually feeling pretty good about my precision and accuracy, with my last step being to check the flight of my broadheads. Well, one of those opportunities was yesterday evening at my friend Tod's house. He had his lab out with us in the backyard, and would send him on practice retrieves after each round of arrows being shot. I got to thinking about how hard he charged upon command after his bumper, which is to simulate downed waterfowl. It is very clear that this lab has a God-given passion, his mission, which is retrieving ducks and geese, and nobody has to tell this hard-charging creature what to do over and over again. But sometimes on long and complicated retrieves that are not 'straight forward', a dog's master will need to give him additional directions during the retrieve. Retrievers that are tuned into their master's call will stop on a dime, turn, and look at their master, and obediently change their course in the new direction that he must go to find the prize.

I started examining my walk with Christ based on this thought. Let me first reveal that I have been feeling called to a more extensive role in outdoor ministry for some time now, and am slowly walking this path to see what that may look like. It is has become clear that my overwhelming passion, my personal mission, is to reach outdoorsmen for Christ. And like other 'assignments' that I have received from Christ in the past, I am hard-charging out of the gate to complete this mission. And just like those previous assignments, I am reminded that I need to stay keenly in tune with God's voice to receive further instruction during this mission, which is the part that I oftentimes forget or fail to do. For me, continuing to stay in tune is much tougher than understanding the initial call. Please pray during this exciting time!

How about you? What are you being called to right now? Are you going after that mission with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength? And are you staying in tune with God during that mission? - GE

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