February 3, 2010

What are my Sources of Contentment?

I can get pretty animated when it comes to my guns and my Second Amendment rights. I would even venture to say that it wouldn't take much time around one another for me and Uncle Ted to become best buds! I am a Life Member of the NRA, and commonly contact my senators and representatives to express my support for gun-related legislation, or lack there of. I also volunteer at outdoor shows to help get folks educated about their Second Amendment rights and to help get them registered to vote. Like I said, my guns mean a lot to me, and not just from a hunting perspective. I staunchly believe that having access to firearms as an individual citizen is critical to the safety of my family, and in keeping government in check and subservient to its citizens.

So, when I came across an article this morning talking about how Secretary of State Hillary Clinton continues to push for U.S. support of a United Nations "Small Arms Treaty", which would register, ban, and confiscate personal firearms worldwide, my blood started boiling again, as it seems to do a lot here lately. And, as these types of stories also do, it got me a little scared. Scared because those that are in high places of power seem to be able to ramrod their agendas on the masses very easily. Yes, a one-world dictatorship where the common people cannot defend themselves is a goal of a certain group of folks out there right now.

But as the Lord has done before in times like this, He used this situation to show me where my contentment lies. And I would have to confess, at this point in time, my contentment lies in Christ...and also in my guns, and my ability to hunt, and all of my personal freedoms - my "comfortable" way of life. As much as I rely on those personal freedoms, to include the Second Amendment, the Lord continues to tell me that He wants me to put my hope, faith, and security solely in Him, not on my current way of life, not on our "perishable" American freedoms. And it's obvious that I have a lot of work to do. How about you, what are your sources of contentment in days like these? - GE

"...for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want." Philippians 4:11-12.

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