November 20, 2009

Fleeting Time

I'm reflecting on how I don't use the time that I've been given as wisely as I ought. No, I don't spend hours upon hours watching television, or surfing the internet, or even blogging... But, I don't spend nearly enough time with my family, or in prayer, or in God's Word, and I need to stop assuming that I will have the coming weeks, months and years to do those things. So many of my thoughts and plans revolve around the days and weeks to come, but in reality I have no guarantee of tomorrow.

I was able to spend this past Sunday afternoon in fellowship with over 70 folks connected to the Cool Spring Outdoor Ministry, including Mr. Vernon Lucy. The thought never crossed my mind that that might be the last time I would see him.
I urge you to starting focusing on the important things in your life, whether it be your family, your friends, or most importantly your salvation. Spend time today getting your priorities in order. Mr. Lucy had used the time he was given wisely; he was a Christian, a deacon and a family man, and he has left a legacy for generations to come. His hunt is over, he is with the Lord, and his trophy is in hand. - GE

"In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps" (Proverbs 16:9, NIV).

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