November 2, 2010

Whole lotta chasin' going on

If you're passionate about chasing big bucks, and if have been able to spend any amount of time in the woods lately, you will know what I am talking about just by reading the title! Actually, I got a brief taste of the rut back in mid October, when I heard, but was unable to see, the buck that was terrorizing several does in a nearby soybean field, grunting nearly every step. But I would say in Central and Eastern Virginia, things really started getting interesting within the last week. For me, it was this past Friday afternoon. I had 4 different bucks near me that evening, 3 of which showed up at dark "doing their thing", chasing those does, and causing me to have to stay up the tree for nearly a half an hour after dark just so I didn't spook them coming out of the woods!
And most discouraging about the evening, I didn't get a glimpse of any of the 3 to be able to tell how nice they were. The following morning, I did manage to get a look at the small 6 pointer chasing a weary doe past me at 30 yards. But again yesterday afternoon, I had a buck run a doe around in circles near me right at dark, and once again, I never got a glimpse of him. Well, I suppose that I am very fortunate to have been so close to so much rutting activity here lately, but I just haven't been able to close the deal, or most times even see the buck that's responsible for all that racket!

It kinda reminds me of how much 'chasing' that I tend to do on a regular basis, chasing this whim, chasing that fad, making a bunch of racket in the process. In fact, I can get so blinded in my chasing that I lose track of the path ahead, what God has in store, what God's intentions are for me. Just like a buck's senses kinda 'escape' him during the rut, my senses, my wisdom, my discernment can get misplaced and it causes me to get off my intended path, often breaking my lines of communication of God. How about you? Can you say that you are currently walking in step with God right now, sensing His promptings, leadings or even warnings? If not, can you identify the activities or distractions that tend to derail you, causing you to not be able to 'see'? - GE

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